Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Growing Up Is Hard To Do...

Sometimes, I wish I could be like Peter Pan. I wish I never had to grow up, ever. Then, I wouldn't have to accept all of the responsibilities of being an adult. But there's always those times when I just want to fast forward through everything and have my life figured out and in place.

On January 30th, I turned 18. In the worlds' eyes, I'm an adult, ready to conquer anything and everything that comes my way. MY world, I'm still a child. I don't want responsibilities and obligations. I'm NOT ready to conquer anything and everything. I still want and need my parents to help me do everything. I had to go and get a new passport and driver's license the other day (my passport is about to expire and I accidentally sat on my license and it's almost in two pieces now, oops). Normally, my mother would have taken me and helped me through these processes, but no. I'm an adult now. I had to handle it on my own, and I did, without any trouble (I was quite proud of myself).

My current goal is to get another job, I have things to pay for (mainly a trip to London that I'm taking over Christmas break with my boyfriend and his family. I'm VERY excited! And of course, I'm going to need money for college!). Now, it's not like my parents are cutting me off completely now that I'm 18, but they ARE trying to make me a little more independent, which I completely understand and I know it needs to happen (I can't mooch off of them forever and I really don't want to). Last summer, I got a job, mostly just for the sake of having something to do and having a little bit of extra cash. But now, I HAVE to get a job. Pronto. Ugh. Welcome to the real world Britt! Boo for growing up and having responsibilities.

Well...I'm off. That's enough ranting and raving for today.
*Team Mom*

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